Maths Lesson Plan for B.ed
Hello B.Ed students, welcome to our website Education Lib. Let us tell you that this post is related to the lesson plan of Maths subject. If you are a student of B.Ed and your internship is going on and you have to prepare a lesson plan for your Maths subject, then this post can be very helpful for you. In this post you get 20 lesson plans of Maths subject. This lesson plan is in Hindi medium. 2 lesson plans are being provided to you for free for demo and if you want to get PDF of complete 20 lesson plan then you will have to pay Rs. 49. Will have to pay a charge.
Maths Lesson Plan in Hindi
You will find the Maths Lesson Plan Index below. By reading which you will be able to know on which topics this Maths lesson plan is based. The PDF of 20 lesson plan of Economics is of 30 MB and this PDF file has total 160 pages. You can buy this PDF file by clicking on the Buy pdf file button below. If you face any problem while purchasing, you can contact our official mobile number 9610571004.
Medium – Hindi
Topic (index):-
सरल समीकरण
पूर्णाक सँख्याएं
विभाज्यता के नियम
बीजीय व्यंजक
संख्या प्रद्धति
चतुर्भुज के प्रकार
त्रिकोणमितीय फलन
आकड़ो का प्रबंधन
द्विआधारी सक्रिया के प्रकार
दशमलव संख्याएँ
कोण एवं रेखाएँ
आधारभूत ज्यामितीय अवधारणाएँ एवं रचनाएं
तिर्यक छेदी एवं समांतर रेखाएँ
त्रिभुज एवं उनके गुण
कोण एवं उसके माप
वैदिक गणित की उपादेयता
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PDF File Size – 2 MB
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PDF File Size – 30 MB
Total Page – 160
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नोट: अगर पेमेंट होने के बाद कोई Technical Error के कारण आपको pdf file प्राप्त नहीं होती है तो कृपया हमसे संपर्क (9610571004) करें, आपकी पूरी सहायता की जाएगी।